Apr 23, 2023Liked by Lisa C. Qualls

Awe I have been thinking much about our table the last couple weeks. A sweet couple asked if they could build us a table for our family. Thai was many years ago. At the time we had 8 teens and a couple other kids in the home. We didn’t fit around our table. So this couple in their 70s cut trees form their property, milled the wood in their own mill, and created a personal table that just fit the space we had. Jake, just took his last breathe on earth a few weeks ago. He was in his 90s when he died. I can’t count the memories, meals, and people who have shared food and games with us at that table. It is my most precious piece of furniture. Now most of our kids are grown and beginning families of their own. Holidays are fun as they all come back. We also fill the table every Sunday after church with a crew. I am adjusting to sometimes not filling the table but when I look at it I can hear the laughter, see the smiles, and think about the highs and lows we shared as we sat around this piece of wood.

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Tamara. What a beautiful gift that table has been for your family.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Lisa C. Qualls

What came to my mind was our big Ford Excursion. It could hold 9 passengers, and even though it used lots of gas and wasn't fancy-looking, it transported us and our 5 kids with adequate space for us and our "gear". (And with all the struggles/fights between our kids and their past trauma, we often thank God for his directing us to a big vehicle. As our kids grew, some of them are over 6 feet tall now, and because a smaller vehicle would have increased fighting due to closer proximity of everyone)

About 18 months ago, we sold it, and it was bittersweet to let go after more than 8 years of use. Our 3 oldest(adopted) kids no longer live here at home, and gas prices being SOOO high made it necessary to downsize. It was the most reliable vehicle we have ever owned, even though it was 18 years old when we sold it. We said it was God's provision, our version of Israelite sandals that didn't wear out during the wandering in the dessert. God is faithful, even when our circumstances are so hard!

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I love this, Amy! Every time I see a 15-passenger van I remember when that was my only car. I was so grateful for it then and also grateful that I don't drive it anymore!

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For Christmas 2017, one of my college roommates gifted me a decoration from Marshall´s -- it´s a foot-long wooden sign that says ¨Gather.¨ She had no idea how much I would cherish that sign and that it would travel around the world with me, adorning my apartment walls in Mexico and Colombia, alwasy representing my love of people and hosting. Many interesting conversations have begun when my Latin American friends ask me, ¨Annarose, qué significa ¨gather?¨ ¨What does ¨gather¨ mean? Although many other trinkets and decorations have come and gone, I have no plans of relenquishing this one. Wherever Armando and I are, we hope family and dear friends will GATHER in our home.

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